The third generation of students has further developed the ISO 26000 guideline: the CSR quality mark has been acquired.

Every academic year, students from Delft and the surrounding area have the opportunity to join student employment agency STUD for one year. During this academic year, these students are committed to linking fellow students to attractive employers. The concept is excellently conceived, because the return is returned to the student in all kinds of creative ways. Think of a PR week, an interest drink, but also your own academy events. After one year of study break, the next team takes the helm of the organization. In this way, several generations contribute to the expansion of student employment agency STUD.

The first generation of students formed an internal sustainability project group. The then constructive organization led by initiator Kievits took up the challenge to elaborate the CSR policy in such a way that the measurement in accordance with ISO 26000 could be successful. Now, however, it was the turn of the third generation: a new assessment, a new checklist and a new inspector.

Board members Kim and Altman were the third generation to present a very strong CSR policy. Inspector Van der Werff therefore concluded that the policy approach, the continuous working on it within the team and the monthly evaluation and reflection demonstrate steps that indicate reinforcement and improvement compared to previous years. In other words, the third generation has further deepened, strengthened and demonstrably improved the CSR policy. This could therefore result in an even higher score than previous years. In calendar year 2022, promotion is therefore looming when the ISO 26000 guideline is tested at four levels. This is also due to the solid foundation and ambitious approach of the multiple generations of Stud: long-term focus on ISO 26000.

On behalf of the CSR Quality Mark Committee, congratulations are hereby conveyed to Stud Student Employment Agency for obtaining the CSR Quality Mark – ISO 26000!

Public Checklists (2022) see: http://www.keurmerkmvo/keurmerkeisen

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