mr. Verolme senior receives the ISO 26000 CSR Quality Mark.

Verolme Beheer from Sas van Gent works in a special sector of waste management. In this industry it is necessary to have a certain environmental standard. In addition, the further award in accordance with Corporate Social Responsibility is a major challenge. Nevertheless, Verolme Beheer submitted its evidence for this. The company, which consists of Verolme Multi-Terminals, Biovero and Sustainable Waste Management Zeeland, successfully completed the audit. 

Scoring on the whole of the 3 Ps is of course important, but what are concrete matters in which DAZ goes even further than other companies? Matters that go beyond the standard and that elevate the ISO 26000 guideline to the standard, that is what the CSR Quality Mark should be about. The complete distinction when it comes to CSR: not just having a CSR policy, like so many companies. But also implement a concrete CSR policy: the proof then becomes a reward.

For example, dare to continue with your commitment to good working conditions, even if you work in a sector with a lot of smokers. Show that you not only support social initiatives like other companies, but also show what that percentage is, and is that percentage realistic? Take the term 'support your locals' seriously during COVID-19, give away a bicycle to an employee who lives nearby, is it not necessary to come by car? Don't just clean up your customer's waste because it's your job, go further and prevent your customer from creating waste in the first place.

Matters that will deepen the ISO 26000 standard in the future when it comes to the renewed checklists 2021-6. That fruit basket in the canteen is nice, but do you dare to go further by calling on an employee to take a serious life? And how do you keep this in balance, how far is CSR in your genes?

Sustainable Waste Management Zeeland showed that it can go further and apply the deepening in the right way. The deepening in accordance with ISO 26000. We would like to congratulate Verolme management, which includes the companies DAZ, Biovero and Verolme Multi-Terminals, on obtaining the CSR quality mark!

View public checklist: http://www.keurmerkmvo/keurmerkeisen

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